Meetings are scheduled to commence at 7.30pm. As the schedule may change, residents are advised to check the agenda on the website as this will confirm the arrangements for each month.


Meeting dates are as follows:

22 January
18 March
13 May
08 July
02 September
18 November - Gregson Lane Methodist Church

13 January
10 March - Also Annual Parish Meeting
12 May - Also AGM


Brindle Parish Council
Brindle Community Hall
Water Street


Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council only on issues on this agenda or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.

Members of the public who have questions that are more detailed should contact the Clerk for guidance on how to register their comments.

Following public participation members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting.

Agenda items must be submitted to the Clerk at least one week before the date of the meeting, as this is when the agenda will be produced and printed.

The agenda and Councillor contact details are also displayed in the external Parish Notice Boards at Brindle Parish Church, Top 'oth Lane and at Gregson Lane Primary School.

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